Since 1974

What's in it for you?

Accurate record keeping means more tax deductions and tax savings
Paying lower taxes means more money in your pocket
Our systems help to reduce the hassles and paperwork
All work is done in a timely manner
You get peace of mind - knowing that specialists in the trucking industry, with over 51 years in business, are handling your work
Time savings for you = more free time to spend as you wish
We are available to you year round
We are easy to reach - 1-800# (North American wide)
Quick response to your questions
Answers when you need them!
Representation with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) - Audits, authorized agent
Stay out of trouble with Canada Revenue Agency (CRA)
We help and advise you on important business decisions
Advice on proper structuring of your business: Sole Proprietor vs. Incorporation
Detailed quarterly accounting helps with:
  • GST/HST refunds - cash flow
  • Up-to-date financial statements for your banker or lender
  • Know how your business is doing so you can stay on top and in control
  • Knowing your expenses and cost-per-mile in detail allows you to make changes beneficial to your bottom line
We alert you to potential problems
We provide you with the information and guidance to make informed business decisions - Eg. when to buy new equipment, should I purchase or lease?
Our fees are tax deductible
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