Our eClient online system provides you with reporting tools and access to your data. With eClient you can perform the following functions:
Vehicle Management keep us up-to-date on your vehicle information
Trailer Management keep us up-to-date on your trailer information
Division Management keep us up-to-date on which vehicles are assigned to which divisions for reporting purposes
Transponder Management keep us up-to-date on vehicle/NY transponder allocations along with a complete date history of assignments (audit trail)
Data Entry on those rare occasions where you may choose to manually enter some of your data eg. cash fuel receipts, we provide you with the tools to do so online - fuel entry, toll entry, odometer entry, unallocated fuel
Online Reports generate your own customized fuel and distance reports online
Tax Returns all of your IFTA and mileage tax returns are available to you online in PDF format
The conversion from your present fuel tax reporting system to Permitax's automated system is an easy transition.
A thorough analysis and understanding of your present record keeping and electronic data systems, coupled with an understanding of your exact needs is recommended so that we can best service your requirements.